Marco Francini in the New Illustrated Encyclopedia of Neapolitan Song
Marco Francini in:
New illustrated encyclopedia of Neapolitan song – Vol. 3 by Pietro Gargano, ed. Magmata (2015)
On pages 460 – 461 we find Marco Francini
Click here if you want to read the page dedicated to Marco Francini on the New Illustrated Encyclopedia of Neapolitan Song in .pdf format
Below is the critical note on Marco Francini, present in the encyclopedia, edited by Federico Vacalebre taken from Il Mattino of 23 November 2005.
“Marco Francini is the son of Taranto as well as Gaber, of Viviani as well as De Andrè, of Modugno as well as Demetrio Stratos… tender even if bitter, polemical even if fantastic, chamber pop but also theater of the post-metropolitan absurd”.
Bibliographic Notes
The encyclopedia consists of 7 volumes, 640 pages. each, with hundreds of photographs and unpublished materials. Each volume is accompanied by a CD Rom which includes the production of an author and the discography of a singer. Thousands of characters and facts that also make the history of Naples, with contributions from renowned experts and writers such as Antonio Ghirelli, Salvatore Palomba, Mimmo Liguoro, Nino Masiello, Renato De Falco, Aldo De Gioia, Mauro Giancaspro, Federico Vacalebre, Carmelo Pittari , Pietro Treccagnoli, Renato Caserta, Pasquale Iaccio, Giovanni Amedeo, Raffaele De Novellis and many others. In volume no. 3 Marco Francini is present.